Nabídky dovolené
Vhodné nabídky pro Vaši dovolenou
Očekávají Vás speciálně připravené nabídky pro rodiny a páry. Váš pobyt bude jistě různorodý a mnohostranný, spojený s mnoha možnostmi trávení volného času ve městě Eibenstock, které je přívětivé pro rodiny s dětmi.
Těšte se na rodinnou zábavu z dovolené - za každého počasí!
Vaše výhody v Hotelu Am Bühl
- Přímá chodba mezi hotelem a bazénovým a saunovým komplexem Badegärten Eibenstock, náš „Bademantelgang“
- Sauna navíc, naše hotelová sauna
- Posilovna
- Televizní salonek se sportovním, závavním a dětským programem
- Každou sobotu disko & tanec v hotelovém baru
- Knihovna
- Místnost na stolní tenis
- 1x týdně vycházka pro celou rodinu
- Děti ve věku 0-5 let v doprovodu svých rodičů mají polopenzi a plnou penzi PLUS zdarma
- Animační program pro celou rodinu na 6 dní v týdnu (mimo neděle)
- Centrální baby-kuchyňka s mikrovlnkou, ohřívačem jídla, přebalovacím pultem
- Hlídání malých dětí (0-3 roky) vždy v úterý a čtvrtek (nutné nahlásit předem)
- Půjčování kočárků a dětských chůviček (podle dostupnosti)
- Půjčování hraček na písek, míčů, venkovních her, na brankovou zeď a volejbalové hřiště, půjčování sáněk
- Herní koutek v restauraci pro rodiny s dětmi
- Trasa pro šlapací auta pro malé hosty
- Hry & dovádění venku na hřišti s pískovištěm
- Hry & legrace v herně s částí pro malé děti
- Výběh pro alpaky - naše alpaky Horst, Bruno a Anton se už těší na Vaši návštěvu!
- Stavění hradů z písku v herně s hracím pískem nebo minigolf
Easter holiday
- WiFi and car parking are included
- Entry to the adjoining "Badegaerten Eibenstock" is not included in the room rate, unless this has been booked separately.
- Additional services booked through the hotel in the "Badegaerten Eibenstock" can only be used during the hotel stay, i.e. after check-in from 3 p.m. and before check-out until 11 a.m.
- Additional beds must be mentioned prior arrival, preferably with the booking confirmation. Unfortunately no additional beds can be set up on day of arrival.
- A visit to the saunacomplex can online be garanteed if you purchase an online ticket for your required date in advance:
3 Noci
18.04.2025 - 21.04.2025
od € 276,50 per person
(v pokoji Rodinný pokoj)
- WiFi and car parking are included
- Entry to the adjoining "Badegaerten Eibenstock" is not included in the room rate, unless this has been booked separately.
- Additional services booked through the hotel in the "Badegaerten Eibenstock" can only be used during the hotel stay, i.e. after check-in from 3 p.m. and before check-out until 11 a.m.
- Additional beds must be mentioned prior arrival, preferably with the booking confirmation. Unfortunately no additional beds can be set up on day of arrival.
- A visit to the saunacomplex can online be garanteed if you purchase an online ticket for your required date in advance:
3 Noci
29.05.2025 - 01.06.2025
od € 327,- per person
(v pokoji Apartmá s baby-vybavením)
- WiFi and car parking are included
- Entry to the adjoining "Badegaerten Eibenstock" is not included in the room rate, unless this has been booked separately.
- Additional services booked through the hotel in the "Badegaerten Eibenstock" can only be used during the hotel stay, i.e. after check-in from 3 p.m. and before check-out until 11 a.m.
- Additional beds must be mentioned prior arrival, preferably with the booking confirmation. Unfortunately no additional beds can be set up on day of arrival.
- A visit to the saunacomplex can online be garanteed if you purchase an online ticket for your required date in advance:
3 Noci
06.06.2025 - 09.06.2025
od € 282,- per person
(v pokoji Dvoulůžkový pokoj Plus)
Summer holiday
- WiFi and car parking are included
- Entry to the adjoining "Badegaerten Eibenstock" is not included in the room rate, unless this has been booked separately.
- Additional services booked through the hotel in the "Badegaerten Eibenstock" can only be used during the hotel stay, i.e. after check-in from 3 p.m. and before check-out until 11 a.m.
- Additional beds must be mentioned prior arrival, preferably with the booking confirmation. Unfortunately no additional beds can be set up on day of arrival.
- A visit to the saunacomplex can online be garanteed if you purchase an online ticket for your required date in advance:
Please note that the included services are only valid for the duration of the offer. Additional nights are excluded.
5 Noci
Can be extended by additional nights up to a maximum of 14 nights.
27.06.2025 - 31.08.2025
od € 419,50 per person
(v pokoji Rodinný pokoj)
Autumn holiday
- WiFi and car parking are included
- Entry to the adjoining "Badegaerten Eibenstock" is not included in the room rate, unless this has been booked separately.
- Additional services booked through the hotel in the "Badegaerten Eibenstock" can only be used during the hotel stay, i.e. after check-in from 3 p.m. and before check-out until 11 a.m.
- Additional beds must be mentioned prior arrival, preferably with the booking confirmation. Unfortunately no additional beds can be set up on day of arrival.
- A visit to the saunacomplex can online be garanteed if you purchase an online ticket for your required date in advance:
Please note that the included services are only valid for the duration of the offer. Additional nights are excluded.
5 Noci
Can be extended by additional nights up to a maximum of 14 nights.
03.10.2025 - 08.11.2025
od € 430,50 per person
(v pokoji Dvoulůžkový pokoj Plus)